If you haven't been living under a rock you should know i am a huge Steve Jobs fan. Not an Apple fan, a Steve Jobs fan. So it is no surprise that i am very upset at how they are bashing him in the media this last month. I read a shocking article that claimed Consumer Reports will not stand behind Apple. I hope Consumer Reports is ready to eat their own words because if there is one genius in this world it is Steve Jobs. Apple would be and was not anything without Steve Jobs and i am going to laugh evilly when Steve Jobs gets out of this bind. It will disgust me when everyone happily claims that Apple is the best again since they are quick to turn away and not believe in the company now while in this crisis. I firmly believe that Steve Jobs will find a solution and i am upset that they are bashing him for taking it lightly. He is taking it lightly because he is smart and he knows he will laugh at the public when they go crawling back to Apple. The new Iphone 4G "Death Grip" issues will not bring Apple down. For God sakes people take your free stupid case and keep it moving. PROBLEM FIXED. Why do humans like to make life complicated? Feel sorry for those who are not fortunate enough to have the new Iphone and cannot afford the $1500 it cost to get it unlocked from Ebay.
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