Yes, i am an Apple fan but once in a while i enter the land of the objective. So here are my pros and cons for each phone.
Samsung Vibrant:
Pros: Super AMOLED display, android 2.1( with 2.2 froyo on the way!), Flash lite 3.1, 720p, 1 ghrtz Processorm, face/smile detection camera, up to 48gb of memory, regular sim card, cheaper than iphone 4
Cons: Android market not as good as app store, no LED flash, plasticky back cover, zoom in and zoom out in browser
Apple Iphone 4:
Pros: Retina display, multi- touch browser, app store, ipod,
Cons: micro sim card, itunes, current issues with sensor and signal
My opinion:
While i am an Apple fan i have to say that the guys at Samsung have outdone themselves. The Samsung display is a little bit better than the Iphone 4, the camera takes nice pictures and has more settings than the Iphone. Samsung's 1 ghrtz processor is a little bit faster than the iphone and it is definiteley worth checking out. However, if you are willing to put up with all the trouble i think it would be best to buy an Iphone 4 for the following reasons. (1) Apple has the best ipod and it does not matter that a lot of tech reviewers say that samsung has a good mp3 player because the fact is that the Ipod in the iphone always has felt like is just you and your music. On other devices the mp3 player has always and will always feel like an afterthought. With apple you pay for quality sound and for quality period. (2) when you touch an iphone you can feel the smoothness of the liquid like screen and is like you're touching water. No phone is as smooth. (3) the app store has over 200, 000 applications that makes the iphone do anything but go to the bathroom for you. If you have a hacked iphone you can have cydia and installer for even more applications. I know that the point is to get as much features in the phone out of the box but with the iphone any feature you want can be achieved through app store, installer or cydia. (4) An Android software will never be better than An apple software due to the fact that Apple's software is more open and allows for more complex applications than the android market will never be able to run. (5) When touching an iphone you feel that you go through less menus than you go through in any other device. (6) The iphone 4 has almost unlimited panels while the Samsung Vibrant has maybe 8 panels or less to store applications. (7) In other devices you have to go through a menu to access other applications due to the limited panels, while in the Iphone 4 everything is right at your fingertips. (8) the wifi takes less to connect in an iphone. (9) Android keyboard is not accurate, Iphone keyboard like liquid.
Bottom Line: Let's face it, we all buy these smartphones for convenience and the iphone delivers that. People complain the iphone does not have FM: go to appstore and get Pandora or a regular radio whatever you prefer. People complain the iphone has itunes: when you use other devices the same music multiplies and with itunes you get warnings, genius mixes and a better ipod. Some devices already have coverflow albums: I wonder where they got that from?! People complain the iphone does not have flash: There's an application for that and even if other devices did have it, they dont have the quality browser to pull it off. People complain the speaker is not loud enough: Theres an application for that as well. Whatever is wrong could be fixed by a developer. Tell me what would happen if something like this happened to an android phone? Yeah they'd have to make a new software altogether.
I know i sound like an iphone freak but all these people clamoring for a Samsung Vibrant are just Apple haters. There are some people who don't like companies to get this big and Apple is royalty and will forever BE royalty. Just using safari makes me love Apple. Everything is so much smoother. When using an Android browser i had to keep pressing the same button and it took forever. I use my ipod all the time for internet use, games and other needs and i have an android phone. I love Google and im eager to see what comes out in the new 2.2 Froyo software but until then Apple is still the King.
Apple Iphone 4:
Pros: Retina display, multi- touch browser, app store, ipod,
Cons: micro sim card, itunes, current issues with sensor and signal
My opinion:
While i am an Apple fan i have to say that the guys at Samsung have outdone themselves. The Samsung display is a little bit better than the Iphone 4, the camera takes nice pictures and has more settings than the Iphone. Samsung's 1 ghrtz processor is a little bit faster than the iphone and it is definiteley worth checking out. However, if you are willing to put up with all the trouble i think it would be best to buy an Iphone 4 for the following reasons. (1) Apple has the best ipod and it does not matter that a lot of tech reviewers say that samsung has a good mp3 player because the fact is that the Ipod in the iphone always has felt like is just you and your music. On other devices the mp3 player has always and will always feel like an afterthought. With apple you pay for quality sound and for quality period. (2) when you touch an iphone you can feel the smoothness of the liquid like screen and is like you're touching water. No phone is as smooth. (3) the app store has over 200, 000 applications that makes the iphone do anything but go to the bathroom for you. If you have a hacked iphone you can have cydia and installer for even more applications. I know that the point is to get as much features in the phone out of the box but with the iphone any feature you want can be achieved through app store, installer or cydia. (4) An Android software will never be better than An apple software due to the fact that Apple's software is more open and allows for more complex applications than the android market will never be able to run. (5) When touching an iphone you feel that you go through less menus than you go through in any other device. (6) The iphone 4 has almost unlimited panels while the Samsung Vibrant has maybe 8 panels or less to store applications. (7) In other devices you have to go through a menu to access other applications due to the limited panels, while in the Iphone 4 everything is right at your fingertips. (8) the wifi takes less to connect in an iphone. (9) Android keyboard is not accurate, Iphone keyboard like liquid.
Bottom Line: Let's face it, we all buy these smartphones for convenience and the iphone delivers that. People complain the iphone does not have FM: go to appstore and get Pandora or a regular radio whatever you prefer. People complain the iphone has itunes: when you use other devices the same music multiplies and with itunes you get warnings, genius mixes and a better ipod. Some devices already have coverflow albums: I wonder where they got that from?! People complain the iphone does not have flash: There's an application for that and even if other devices did have it, they dont have the quality browser to pull it off. People complain the speaker is not loud enough: Theres an application for that as well. Whatever is wrong could be fixed by a developer. Tell me what would happen if something like this happened to an android phone? Yeah they'd have to make a new software altogether.
I know i sound like an iphone freak but all these people clamoring for a Samsung Vibrant are just Apple haters. There are some people who don't like companies to get this big and Apple is royalty and will forever BE royalty. Just using safari makes me love Apple. Everything is so much smoother. When using an Android browser i had to keep pressing the same button and it took forever. I use my ipod all the time for internet use, games and other needs and i have an android phone. I love Google and im eager to see what comes out in the new 2.2 Froyo software but until then Apple is still the King.
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