I am a pretty unemotional person. I sometimes think like im acting unemotional to be dramatic but then i realize im numb. My grandather passed away and i was very happy i even wished him a good day by the express elevator to hell that he was takling. My grandmother also passed away and i felt nothing once again. The thing is we were very close. In fact she once walked in a hurricane to my house just to make sure that we were okay. Can you imagine that? A 60 year old walking through a hurricane for two miles in the Dominican Republic with roofs flying off houses which could have easily killed her. I remember this and i feel something...not because she was my grandmother but because these type of people is how i know God exists. I love my mom and i dread losing her but only because she's been with me forever. She is the one constant thing in my life and i treasure her. Would i cry if she died? Probably not. My rules in life are these:
1. Do not have any pride: Pride will get you nowhere. Pride gets in the way of life. Pride will destroy you while at the same time deceiving you with nice feelings.
2. Death is inevitable: Whatever you do the worst that can happen is death and death is inevitable. So you might as well die doing something you want to do rather then tripping over your left foot, falling and cracking your head open.
3. Don't get attached to human beings to the point of grieving at their funeral. Death is inevitable and humans are fragile. Celebrate death because with death comes birth. A death brings happiness to other people and therefore there is maximum amount of happiness on earth. While a family member dies a beautiful pink baby girl is being born and she is goodness itself and will make the maximum amount of people happy. Humans are like the wind they are only here for a while and then someone else comes and takes their place. It is a waste of time to get attached.
4. Be happy. People always want to see you fall, don't give them the satisfaction. Laugh at people's misery and know that you are happier than them.
5. Involve yourself in the Big Three that lets you know God exists:Music, Books and Movies.
These are my philosophies and for this reason i am always smiling and best of all my smile spreads through the world to echo in every person's face. There is no death or sadness just happiness but humans will forever need the former to appreciate the latter.
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