This movies was AWESOME. It stars all the great legends: Sylvester Stallone(Rambo, Rocky), Jason Statham ((Fucking Dreamy!)Transporter, Crank), Jet Li (War, Unleashed), Steve Austin (Wrestler), Bruce Willis (Live Free, Die hard). Honestly i thought it was gonna suck since there were so many great actors i thought it was going to take away from the plot but it didn't. Everybody got their ass kicked by Jason Statham the best actor in there. He was amazing with throwing Knives and a gun and was the only one who came out of the fight without a scratch. Steve Austin was bad ass with his HUGE muscles. The movie was action from beginning to end, it was funny and it really made you realize why these actors are legends. Although the most hilarious thing was watching Stallone running. He looked like a fat kid running toward cake. He looked plain clumsy. Jason Statham was the best actor in there, HE KICKED SO MUCH ASS. Statham has everything: He got the hard jaw, the British accent, the green eyes, the hard muscles, the toughness, the attitude, he's charming, the coolness, the hotness, the roughness, the brooding, the mysteriousness and he's funny. I love him. HE IS THE BEST ACTOR EVER!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh, and of course Bruce Willis was Hot and funny with his beautiful blue eyes.