I am a pretty unemotional person. I sometimes think like im acting unemotional to be dramatic but then i realize im numb. My grandather passed away and i was very happy i even wished him a good day by the express elevator to hell that he was takling. My grandmother also passed away and i felt nothing once again. The thing is we were very close. In fact she once walked in a hurricane to my house just to make sure that we were okay. Can you imagine that? A 60 year old walking through a hurricane for two miles in the Dominican Republic with roofs flying off houses which could have easily killed her. I remember this and i feel something...not because she was my grandmother but because these type of people is how i know God exists. I love my mom and i dread losing her but only because she's been with me forever. She is the one constant thing in my life and i treasure her. Would i cry if she died? Probably not. My rules in life are these:
1. Do not have any pride: Pride will get you nowhere. Pride gets in the way of life. Pride will destroy you while at the same time deceiving you with nice feelings.
2. Death is inevitable: Whatever you do the worst that can happen is death and death is inevitable. So you might as well die doing something you want to do rather then tripping over your left foot, falling and cracking your head open.
3. Don't get attached to human beings to the point of grieving at their funeral. Death is inevitable and humans are fragile. Celebrate death because with death comes birth. A death brings happiness to other people and therefore there is maximum amount of happiness on earth. While a family member dies a beautiful pink baby girl is being born and she is goodness itself and will make the maximum amount of people happy. Humans are like the wind they are only here for a while and then someone else comes and takes their place. It is a waste of time to get attached.
4. Be happy. People always want to see you fall, don't give them the satisfaction. Laugh at people's misery and know that you are happier than them.
5. Involve yourself in the Big Three that lets you know God exists:Music, Books and Movies.
These are my philosophies and for this reason i am always smiling and best of all my smile spreads through the world to echo in every person's face. There is no death or sadness just happiness but humans will forever need the former to appreciate the latter.
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Talk: Angelina Jolie, Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston...again
P.S. I stand by my comment of her philanthropic tendencies. Brad needs a lot more loving because he is so hot!
Monday, June 21, 2010
Talk: Jesse Mccartney Again....
Monday, June 14, 2010
Movies: Keith
"Keith" starts with Natalie played by Elizabeth Harnois in the back of a yellow track seemingly almost about to go over the cliff. The car does not have the brakes on so is slowly driving itself off the cliff. However, the scene suddenly switches to Natalie's eyes flashing open as she wakes up and gets up to practice her tennis at 5am. She then arrives at school and starts her AP Chemistry class and is paired up with Keith Zetterstrom played by Jesse McCartney. Keith is shown before this scene to be with a counselor playing pool and expressing his interest in Natalie by saying he's planning to have "fun" with her. They then start to talk in Chemistry and he coaxes her to go with him to these "adventures" and play these "scenes" where they both pretend to be someone else. One day they are both sitting in the back of Keith's truck and talking about what they want to do when they graduate high school. Keith talks about wanting to go to a truck show and Natalie is going to London with her best friend and boyfriend. While Keith is rambling on Natalie notices that the truck is moving by itself. She jumps out of the truck but Keith stays in the truck while the truck gets closer and close to the cliff. Meanwhile Natalie is sobbing and screaming for him to jump out but right before the truck goes over he swiftly gets in the truck and puts on the brakes. Natalie becomes upset and accuses him of having gotten "too close" and wanting to die. Keith responds by saying that she doesn't know what "close is". Mean while Natalie becomes involved with the school stud but still she goes out at nights with Keith and his yellow truck and falls in love with him. One day she discovers antidepressants in a coat that he loaned her and confronted him about it after he disappeared for two weeks. She found out he deliberately planned for her to be his lab partner and was shocked. She became more obsessed with him and was determined to find out about him so she broke into his locker to get his real address as she found out he lied to her about where he lived and everything about his home life. Because she broke into his locker, straight A student Natalie gets suspended and goes to Keith's real house but he refuses to see her since he was mad she found out where he lived. Natalie sneaks into his truck knowing that he would take a ride in his truck. Keith went to his secret spot overlooking "The Brick" where Natalie and her clique hung out and where he always watched her from. He stood there watching the other side sadly and Natalie got out of the truck. She started crying and telling him that she wanted to be with him and that with him everything was different. Keith crying himself turns around, rushes to her and kisses her. Natalie then gives him her virginity in the back of his yellow truck. However, once he gets her home Keith tells Natalie to forget about what they did and to go back to her boyfriend. She tells him "Fuck you" and he says " you already did". Natalie slams out of his truck and during the next couple of days is angry and sad about Keith. While driving fast to get away from her overbearing parents she notices Keith's counselor who she had met before along with a little boy named Billy who was a friend of Keith. She follows the counselor's car and walks into a store where she asks if Keith has seen Billy lately and the counselor told her that Billy passed away. Natalie, shocked asked how Keith knew Billy and the counselor said Billy and Keith were in chemo together. At this, Natalie starts crying and slams out of the store, she goes to see Keith but he doesn't want to see her. The next day Keith walks into Chemistry and tries to play everything off and Natalie gets upset at his jokes and stalks out of the classroom. Keith then goes by her house and she asks him why he did not tell her that he had cancer. He replied "at least everything wasn't sympathy for the sick kid" Natalie said that that was not fair and Keith gets upset and asks her if is fair that she gets to go to London and Duke University while he is dying and will probably not make it to his truck show. Natalie then convinces him to pull a final scene where they say goodbye and Keith insults her, telling her that he screwed her, screwed her big time. With tears in her eyes Natalie braves on and asks him to try the goodbye scene again. He turns around to leave but turns back and said that he was resigned to his eventual death but that when he met her it became "weird'. After a declaration of love he turns around and leaves, creating a goodbye scene at the airport. Natalie runs after him and tells him she's gonna stay with him until he's gone and they kiss. In the next scene Natalie is shown packing up Keith's locker and walks with her best friend toward her graduation. Keith is not seen and is presumed dead before graduation. The scene in the beginning with Natalie in the back of the yellow truck is the last scene with Natalie putting on the breaks before the truck goes over just like Keith had done before. This showed how Keith made her into a more impulsive and risk taking person and this is how Natalie keeps him in her memory.
One thing i always ask myself is if Keith was not dying and if Romeo had not thought Juliet was dead would they have stayed together forever? I don't think so. The reason why Keith went after Natalie was because he no longer felt he should be shy about asking out the popular girl when he was dying and had nothing to lose. His imminent death was also the cause for his sarcasm, denial and risk taking tendencies. Would he have spend time with Natalie if he hadn't been dying? probably not and thus they would not have fallen in love. Just like Romeo and Juliet would not have made it since they didn't think anything through when they decided to run away. Is better when the character dies because is a tragedy and you get to cry and fantasize about what could have happened.
This was an awesome performance. Jesse McCartney was quirky and handsome and romantic. It was a beautiful love/hate relationship and their "scenes" and "adventures" are the elements that makes the movie sensational. It doesn't hurt to stare at the beautiful Jesse McCartney for a while and that is mostly why i continue to watch the movie repeatedly.
Talk: Jesse Mccartney
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Movies: Killers
You might not have known this about me but i absolutely loooooooooooove Ashton Kutcher. His face is ageless, his body is perfect and he has a good sense of humor judging by his posts on twitter. Thus, it is no surprise that i absolutely loved the movie Killers which came out last Friday on June 4th. I loved it so much that i saw it twice, once by myself and once with my sister and her friend. However, in order to "love it" you have to really be devoted to Ashton Kutcher because the feedback that i got from my sister and her friend was that the movie was crap and not very funny. I of course disagreed but what do i know? i am blinded by my love for Ashton Kutcher. Therefore, to preserve my objectivity im going to give an honest and objective review below so check it out.
Killers, a movie starring Ashton Kutcher (from Dude Where's My Car, That 70's show) and Katherine Heigl( Knocked Up , 27 Dresses) is about a lonely woman played by Heigl named Jenny who meets a guy played by Kutcher named Spencer while on vacation with her over protective dad and hilariously alcoholic mom. To cut the story short boy meets girl, boy tells girl he works as a "consultant", boy is actually a spy and after 3 years of being married she finally finds out but boy had already quit his spy job in the CIA. After ridiculous scenes of all of Spencer's neighbors trying to kill him (and i mean every single one!) it turns out that Jenny's father was the one who was trying to kill them because he thought Spencer was back in the CIA and was going to try to kill him. Apparently in the beginning of the movie when Spencer blew up a helicopter Jenny's dad was supposed to be in it but got suspicious when he saw Spencer in the same hotel. Thus, from a non fan point of view for Ashton Kutcher all the fighting scenen were a waste of time. I hope that no one thought that this was going to be a good action movie. I would call this a parody of a James Bond movie. The only thing hilarious about this movie was the alcoholic mother in the background who at the end of the movie still didn't know what was going on. Ashton Kuther did not even know how to hold a gun and you can tell that from the poster. And what was up with Heigls hair in the beginning of the movie?. All and all you really don't want to pay $13 for this movie. I do, mainly because im a huge fan of Ashton Kutcher and i like to see his muscles working in the big screen, who wouldn't pay big money to see a hunk like that?
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