As you all know i am a big movie fan and as the whole world knows i am a gigantic Twilight fan. So it is no surprise that i am very excited about the new installment in the Twilight movies, Eclipse coming out on June 30th. Eclipse continues the series with Victoria the nomad vampire coming out of hiding to built an Army of super vampires to try and kill Bella Swan who is protected by her boyfriend Edward Cullen and his family of five. Bella is also protected by best friend Jacob ( who is also in love with her) and his werewolf buddies who helped her heal after Edward broke up with her in New Moon. In this movie we see beautiful Edward played by Robert Pattinson and Bella played by Kristen Stewart make out which i cannot wait to see. I also cannot wait to see Edward cut off Victoria's head so yay!
While those of you who have not read the books thought that Jacob had given up when in New Moon Bella told him it was never gonna happen between them, those of you would be mistaken. For the sake of the plot Jacob persists all the way until almost the end of Breaking Dawn (the fourth book) to stop coming after Bella. He is not a villain but pathetic because he does not compare to the rich vampire Edward and because Bella keeps shutting him down. While its a shame i cannot wait to see Bella telling him no once again. I get a sick satisfaction of seeing his face fall with sadness and disappointment time after time. But none of this compares to watching Robert Pattinson in action on screen which i have not seen since Remember Me back in March. So people check it out because its more action, more romance and more comedy at watching Jacob being rejected like a sick puppy...oh the irony since that is exactly what he is. I don't know how they think that scrawny body is supposed to be a wolf's body. Hmmm, we are back to the sick puppy.
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