Thor is based on...well Thor. The God of lightning from Norse mythology who gets disowned by his father for his arrogance and banned to Earth along with his magical Hammer that only he can lift. Another hot god come to life and as Logan Lerman did not get the MTV award for Biggest Badass Star for Percy Jackson we hope Chris Hemsworth's muscles, blond hair and bright smile can take the prize home this year. On that note Thor was incredible not only because of the male lead but because of the sound effects, the effortless way that Thor just hammered every rival in his path and the comic relief offered by Kat Dennings (Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist). I found myself in awe of the way that Thor fought, the arrogance and confidence of his character and ultimately, his redemption.
While you may see this as just another comic book to life, this movie offers a lot more than that. Chris Hemsworth offers a unique performance because of his vulnerability his honor reminds me greatly of the gods from Greek Mythology. His character also grows and learns how to sacrifice and be selfless. Of course, it must be mentioned that Natalie Portman was in this movie but she didn't really do anything that another actress couldn't have done. I could easily see someone like Jennifer Garner in the role of Thor's love interest. I dont think Portman was absolutely essential. This film is all about Thor and his character's growth. Out of all the superheroes im hoping to see more of him the most. Thor had an excellent plot, a magnificent male lead and amazing graphics and effects. Definitely a must see if you haven't indulged yet.
As you know this is the year of the superhero. We have "Captain America" with Chris Evans, "Green Lantern" with Ryan Reynolds and we've already seen "Iron Man 2" and "The Green Hornet" . So of course all of the heroes will unite in "The Avengers" and i cannot wait to see how Chris Hemworth will perform.