Besides what you may think this is not a boy next to the scrumptious Ian Somerhalder (Vampire diaries).This is Katherine Moennig in the show "The Young Americans" pretending to be a boy named Jake in order to get into an all boys school in New Rawley. Jake and Hamilton (Ian Somerhalder) become friends and then Jake kisses Hamilton and Hamilton is left to wonder if he's gay. Of course Jake tells him she's a girl and they start a relationship in which everyone around campus begins to think they're gay. They were so hot together but i find myself fascinated by Moennig's manly face and voice. She is totally a lesbian without a single doubt. But i digress.
I watched this show primarily because since i've started watching Vampire Diaries i've become obsessed with Ian Somerhalder. He is an awesome vampire and he is just so badass. Here he looks pretty young and i wanted to see how he acted in earlier roles. I cannot believe they canceled this show. (Spoiler alert!) I cannot believe they left it with Jake leaving to New York after getting caught pretending to be a boy and Hamilton saying he'll visit. WHAT?!
I am very upset and i had a wild thought of writing angry letters and petitions. But the fact is that it has been too long and the same cast would not look right, and who's gonna watch this show without Ian Somerhalder?
Now that my rant is over please enjoy this sex on a stick in Vampire Diaries, The Young Americans, The Tournament, The lost Samaritan and of course the Rules of Attraction (He's gay and shirtless in this one!)
Another tip is to pull up a picture and gaze into his electric eyes and tell me you have not completely fallen in love with him.