As you know, if you haven't been living under a rock and you're a twilight fan, Robert
Pattinson has a new movie coming up tomorrow called Remember Me. Like a good daughter i am forced to give up my rights to see Rob half naked with Emilie de
Ravin in order to see "Our Family Wedding" with my mother. Now I'm going to give credit where credit is due, i
loooove Carlos
Mencia and he is hilarious but does comedy compare to hot sweaty muscles? does a human compare to a vampire? i
don't think so which is why
I'm still depressed.
don't want to give up any spoilers for those who are not Robert
Pattinson fans and have not already rushed to Wikipedia to see what Remember Me is about, but i will give you a brief summary. Basically both
Pattinson's character,
Tyler, and
de Ravin's character,Ally have both seen tragedies in their lives. their lives cross when
Tyler tries to stop a fight and gets beat up by a cop who turns out to be Ally's father, who just happens to be in one of Tyler's classes. They fall in love
yada yada yada. Big surprise for the ending but i wont tell you what it is!
I like Robert
Pattinson, he hasn't gotten to the stage where he thinks he's better than anyone else and i like that he's shy and single. surprisingly the movie that i think he was better in is not Twilight, its A Bad Mothers Handbook which is a small film. I absolutely loved it and Robert
Pattinson happened to be a hot nerd boy who gets it on with a pregnant girl. In short, it was hot and romantic. I definitely Recommend it and also check out Remember Me because it turns out that Summit has been keeping the Eclipse trailer to themselves in order to show it with Remember Me according to
Clevver TV, so definitely go see it if you're a Twilight fan. I suspect people will just go for the trailer and walk out but probably not, once you go Pat you never go back.
Oh beautiful Rob
I'll have to see you
Saturday instead of tomorrow, but
at least i have the trailer to comfort me.